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Glow Up To A Better Lifestyle!

Self Meditation

Self Meditation

Meditation is a must have when it comes to mental and emotional growth. Some great benefits of this, you can most definitely use in life is to help better focus & concentrate, lower stress, anxiety, protect against depression, to relax, increase positivity and happiness and so much more. When we meditate, we inject far-reaching and long-lasting benefits into our lives. Meditation is something everyone can do, here is how. Find a place to sit that feels calm and quiet to you. If you are just beginning, it can help to choose a short time, such as five or 10 minutes. You can sit in a chair with your feet on the floor, you can sit loosely cross-legged, you can kneel—all are fine. Just make sure you are stable, and, in a position, you can stay in for a while. Follow the sensation of your breath as it goes in and as it goes out. your attention will leave the breath and wander to other places. When you get around to noticing that your mind has wandered—in a few seconds, a minute, five minutes—simply return your attention to the breath. Do not judge yourself or obsess over the content of the thoughts you find yourself lost in. Just come back. When you are ready, gently lift your gaze (if your eyes are closed, open them). Take a moment and notice any sounds in the environment. Notice how your body feels right now. Notice your thoughts and emotions. That is, it! That is the practice. You focus your attention, your mind wanders, you bring it back, and you try to do it as kindly as possible (as many times as you need to). This is one thing that has most definitely helped me, and I hope it helps you as well.
Tamerone Hale
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Skincare Routine

Skincare Routine

Look, your skin is the largest organ your body has, yet so many people neglect its care. Not only is healthy skin a big part of looking your best, but it also tells your life’s story. Your skin is exposed to the sun and environmental pollutants all the time, and once there’s damage to your skin, it can be difficult to reverse it. That is why a good skincare routine is important. The younger you are when you start it, the better but, it is never too late to establish healthy habits. Good skin care is important for so many reasons. It helps your skin stay in good condition. An effective routine can help prevent acne, treat wrinkles, and help keep your skin looking and feeling its best. There are three basic steps that should go into every skin care routine, no matter how old you are. They are to cleanse, exfoliate and moisturize. By starting a skincare routine and choosing products that have clean & natural ingredients, is so much better for our bodies internally, and has way better quality that works better also.




Tamerone Hale
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Mental Goal Setting

Mental Goal Setting

It's time to set some goals for yourself. Everyone wants to find ways to better themselves as we try to strive towards continuous growth  to become a better person and achieve more. Goal setting is a process that not only help us to get great results, but also to feel motivated and take responsibility for our actions. With goal setting, you most definitely want to start with self- development. Some examples of such are: weight loss, communication, mental, emotional, knowledge etc. Once accomplishing these you will then find yourself ready to move towards your next agenda. Everyone goal is different. You may find some wanting to be a better listener, travel more, better healthcare, time management, finances, rid procrastination, letting go of the past, to be a better mother/father and the list goes on. How will you be able to tell if you’ve actually made any progress? You can’t unless you set goals for yourself. Pull out that planner or journal and write down your weekly, monthly, and yearly goals to keep yourself on track.

Good Luck!

Tamerone Hale
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